SBL Micro V2
SBL Micro V2
BEC for 2 Servos
BEC for 4 Servos
BEC testing
The processor
Processor part 1
Processor part 2
Testing the processor
The output stage
Output stage control
Testing output stage control
Testing the MOSFET's
Filter capacitors
Soldering the filter capacitors
Testing filter capacitors
EMF Evaluation
Soldering EMF parts
Testing EMF
Remaining parts

The following pages presents the latest version of the selfmade controler for brushless motors SBL-Micro designed by
Jo Aichinger. Here is a direct link to his SBL-Micro Support page. (currently available in German only).

Starting end of September 2003 the board layout is modified. Especially the area of the overcurrent protection (which did not work very well in the previous version) has been modified.
For the new boards you need processors programmed with SW version 1006 (or higher). This version can also be used on old boards. But never try to use older SW versions on the new board layout.
These pages are based on the new schema.
If you own the older version of the Micro you can still get information on the pages of version 1.

Please visit RCLine Modellbauforum where you will find more information and experiences in different threads.
Helpful threads are:
SBL-Micro Sammelbestellung
Auffälligkeiten/Ideen zur SBL-Micro Software......
SBL-Micro Software-Update

If you are interested in a kit or have any further questions, contact me at I’m organizing collective orders if enough people are interested.

You can download the latest building and using instruction from Jo here.

If you find any errors on these new pages don't hesitate to inform me. Correction are always helpful for all readers. Some people read this pages to find the last errors but i can still not guarantee that there aren't errors left. If you have problems while building the controler, send me a mail. I'll try to answer any question.

This is how the controller should look like.

Oberseite Unterseite

But it’s still a long way to come there. We are still looking at the blank board.

Oberseite Unterseite

For building the SBL-Micro you should have printed out the building instructions, the layout plan and the list of parts. Mark every part you have placed on the board on the parts list and may be on the layout plan. This is a way to keep the overview. If you do it this way it’s easy to check if no part is missing on the board.

There often the question if an oscilloscope is really necessary to build the controller. The answer is easy. An oscilloscope is not necessary but very helpful if the controller does not work as expected.
It is possible to us a software solution instead. This uses the LineIn plug of the soundcard . I placed a link to such a software on the download page.

Hint: The used SMD electrolytic capacitors are Tantal capacitors. The line on the capacitors marks the (+) side.

Please clean the board carefully with alcohol before soldering.